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Rekt.network (rekt.network)
568 points by willswire on May 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 137 comments

My chrome got served mp3, when these streams (which are opus) exist, and chrome is definitely capable of playing them, as they play as I click them.

Why send me mp3?

Mobile Safari gives me .ogg when I click those links. Weird indeed.

I get opus if I click these links, which chrome plays fine.

What I meant is, if I use the website, it will play mp3 instead.

I'm getting the mp3 stream too, in Firefox on Linux.

I also have a weird div covering half the viewport (vertically): https://imgur.com/a/vJqWmtO

edit: the div covering half the viewport also occurs on nightride.fm

Hmm, will look into this one. Have some idea what it might be!

Ah this is one of your extensions / plugins adding a div to the page. and my CSS defaults setting it in a particular way... Extensions that add these kinds of elements to webpages are annoying, making assumptions about styling

there are reasons. Firefox has previously misbehaved with chained ogg via webaudio, old bugs that get fixed then regress, as is often the mozilla way.

Website should be updated to use a bitrate adaptive HLS stream like I do on nightride.fm - will backport that to rekt soon

I don't know what to tell ya - firefox serves me .ogg.

You can also tune into the non-rekt ones via YouTube

Any chance of support Amazon's Alexa? I frequently listen to SomaFM on alexa and would love to add your streams to my rotation.

oh we looked into that a while back, should do so again

Given the name I found it poetic that I could not reach the website because of overly-aggressive cloudflare protection. Wrecked network indeed.

Note that this behavior is not enabled by default. Websites behind Cloudflare need to opt into it, and they can choose which security level they use (with higher levels necessitating more CAPTCHAs).

Also, as someone who browses 100% of the time with a VPN, I hardly ever encounter Cloudflare CAPTCHAs. I've also been encountering less of them when using Tor; it seems Cloudflare has made progress in their efforts to reduce friction for Tor users. On the other hand, Google search frequently doesn't work at all - it refuses to serve me search results and doesn't even offer me the chance to solve a CATPCHA.

I'm locked out of so many sites, I loathe it. Cost of rolling in an everything blocker Firefox. At least it helps me find good old-fashioned text based websites.

Ahh, I could always turn it off, maybe I will

If you want to stick with Cloudflare, you can ease the pain by going into your zone -> Security -> Settings. Disabling Browser Integrity Check and adjusting "Security Level" down to "Essentially Off" should help.

Please don't use cloudflare.

At least a shard of a justification for the oracular? Maybe a link to some rant-list, maybe a coincise stub? (Reply: "goodpoint".)

Why not? Most of the complaints people have with Cloudflare regarding CAPTCHAs and user-hostile behavior are opt-in features that are not enabled by default. A website behind Cloudflare needs to enable extra protection to opt into the CAPTCHAs.

If your issue is more generally with a single provider becoming a global MITM for 10% of the internet, then that's a more understandable argument, albeit a meaninglessly existential one.

A global MITM is a huge problem for privacy and access to information. Not to mention is anti-competitive.

But, importantly, Cloudflare is also very hostile to Tor. A number of people in the world rely on it for their security and safety.

Cloudflare has made demonstrable efforts to accommodate Tor users, and I've personally noticed a reduction in the number of CAPTCHAs I encounter while browsing Cloudflare sites with Tor. They were definitely not required to do this, especially considering that sites like Google give Tor users unsolvable CAPTCHAs or block them altogether. And yet they did, which I took as a gesture of good faith.

Some sites are still annoying to browse with Tor, but it's only those that opted into the strictest security settings with their Cloudflare plan. In my experience, the default Cloudflare behavior is not any more unfriendly to Tor than it is to any VPN (which is not too unfriendly, for the most part).

I do agree with you that the global MITM is a huge problem for privacy and access to information. I'm just pointing out that Cloudflare has made some good-faith effort to reduce the friction encountered by Tor users. If I had to choose an operator of such a global MITM, Cloudflare might be the least bad choice.

Yeah, as annoying as the CAPTCHAs are, at least Cloudflare is aware of and acknowledges the problem, and is actively working on solutions like Privacy Pass. Much more than can be said for many other services that block Tor.

> Cloudflare has made some good-faith effort

What they did is too little and, especially, too late. They could have very easily disabled the blocking and yet they are still doing it.

Besides, you claim that it's done in good faith without backing that claim with evidence.

> If I had to choose an operator of such a global MITM, Cloudflare might be the least bad choice.

"could be worse" does not make something acceptable.

That's probably a PEBKAC in terms of your software choices or behaviour. Works fine for most users, you're a fringe case for whatever reason.

you're a fringe case for whatever reason

Everyone is a fringe case eventually. Even you.

Never encountered it once in thirteen years of using CloudFlare. If it did happen to me eventually as a one-off freak occurrence, that's a temporary fringe event.

If it is happening to the commenter continually throughout CF's network then I'd say that's probably their problem. Frequent or consistent? Well, it's probably the user.

Happens to me too. And surely a bunch of others as well, who just don’t voice it.

Defending Firefox and adblock as a fringe case worthy of dismissal is a sad reflection of the current state of the internet.

I used Firefox and various ad blockers for years and never had any problems with CloudFlare.

VPN usage seems to be a common one as it's often shared with people who abuse it to attack others.

I have this problem, happens for perplexity.ai too for example... I never had issue until two months ago, and now I'm locked out of some quite interesting websites

This is amazing. Excellent site, quality music and great for programming.

One thing that would be awesome would be a bandcamp link for the artists that show up -- I know that's something I look for (manually) when I hear a really great track that really fits with what I like to listen to.

Yep, this is actually on the cards. I've got nowplaying info returning spotify links to artist's tracks. The problem with bandcamp is they closed their API a long time ago, so i gotta manage my records semi-manually

salute Godspeed.

I wonder if it's something you could crowdsource -- if you have a list of your collection, you could just put the titles in a doc or something and let people have at it.

[EDIT] BTW I just started playing with the EQ. WOW that is a fantastic feature. Such a simple thing and I love being able to turn up the low range/high range as I like. Another level, because almost always I want more bass.

[EDIT2] Granted I don't go to music sites that much on the internet, this is happiest I've been with a site like this since Madeon's Adventure Machine[0].

[0]: https://adventuremachine.4thfloorcreative.co.uk/

Yeah have thought about it, we have a fairly large community on discord that could help out too. I didn't want people clipping their signal too hard with the EQ, hence the current limit. I'd probably need to think about adding a limiter for the sake of people's speakers.

You can instead turn ethe other frequencies down and then your volume up, same effect ;)

Oh yeah that's exactly what I did... Put everything down, then turned somethings up (and also found the bass limits of my Sony WH-1000XM2s :)

> The problem with bandcamp is they closed their API a long time ago

Out of curiosity, was this before or after the Epic acquisition?

Well before, some stray dev API keys were floating around (they never fully turned the API off, just stopped providing keys) but i think its mostly dead now. I was hoping Epic would get the API back up and running.

Is this Related to https://nightride.fm/ ?

Must be. It even references Nightride FM in the HTML - although it's commented out.

I wonder what the relationship is. Rekt has all identifying, and social relations removed. Although it exists for longer than the other.

Edit: further investigation reveals that they use the same resources in the background, same radio, same songs at the same time. I really wonder why.

Rekt came first, maybe 8 years ago now, Nightride a later iteration catering to a larger community with all the music submitted by artists


Well, if you're in the habit of making these anyway, I would like to propose one for podsafe/stream-safe music.

Its so hard to manage, over time songs can transition from being safe to not... Quite a pain. I did already have a stab at it

agree this is a huge need. I stream a few hours a week and it's so much more _fun_ with good music. If anyone has a source for good, safe instrumental background music to use on-stream, I'm all ears.

You could try Karl Casey's White Bat Audio on youtube

Argofox has a huge catalogue on YT, depending on your tastes. Aim To Head also releases some of their electronic mixes as royalty-free.

What is podsafe/stream-safe music?

Music with appropriate licensing- presumably something like CC0 that allows sharing, remixing, commercial use, and doesn't require attribution...

this one too doesnt let you go back if music starts playing

Also breaks the back button

Hijacks the back button.

Oh damn, I should probably fix that

Found the stray pushState

another bug report: in chat, after somebody changes their nickname and you try to use tab completion on their name, it will use the original nickname for completion

oooh, nice one. I wonder if that was related to me using /sanick commands, or a more general bug.

Rekt is some versions behind the nightride.fm version of the site


I still do not understand why this is even allowed. It is so annoying. It is not even hard to do. Can happen accidentally.

I mean you have to be able to do history manipulation if you want to have history to any meaningful changes you do via JS on a page (and you should make sure to adjust the URL as well so people can go back to that information).

But I agree, it should not be possible to prevent users from leaving back from the site.

You can easily spam the browser history using a redirect slide, effectively preventing users from leaving the page. No need for any JS, works even with active ad blockers. It’s relatively common on malicious sites.

Even on actually respectable newspapers. Spiegel Online for example has this in place...

Spegel Online also does "pay or okay" (pay or accept tracking), so maybe at some point it's time to re-evaluate their respectability.

Many media do this these days, it's become an industry standard.

And to be fair I do get the point why they are doing that, good journalism has to be financed somehow lest you end up with a situation like in Austria where corruption scandals involving government-paid ads wrecking the entire political establishment and media elites of the country [1].

[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96VP-Korruptionsaff%C3%A4r...

> good journalism


I do agree though, on a more general level: it does take money to produce those articles, authors gotta get paid.

However, IMHO, not at any cost.

Modern browsers will rarely store redirecting sites in the history stack AFAIK

Which browser does this? Would love to see the feature in action…

I came here to say the same. I don't like it.


Ban such sites with loud music and hijacking back button

I'd never heard Orson Welles' radio play "War of the Worlds" [1] before.

Just spent the last 40 minutes or so listening to the whole thing on this website. Only at the intermission does it become obvious that this is a radio drama.

That was really good, and I can only imagine it was incredible back in 1938.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(1938_ra...

edit: I just went back to the site and it appears to be gone!

edit 2: It's on YouTube, but Rekt's radio dropped me right into the action (~16:30). It felt much more real without the backstory or scene setting. A good way to experience it.


Milkdrop is awesome. Sadly, I stopped using it back when Winamp went the way of the Dodo =(

Thanks for the trip down memory lane with a shiny new paint job.

Milkdrop is still one of the best 2D visualisers in my opinion. The version running on the site is a port to JS called butterchurn, but has much better resolution and FPS than the original

It is ahead of modern AI though: Winamp whips a llamas ass.

Finally, something to listen to whilst I read https://rekt.news/

New site to daily read, thanks!

Yw. It's the most effective inculcation against cryptoscams known to the internet.

The overall feel is halfway between good & great: Push the output to a CRT & it feels like something that would've been on a well-crafted BBS back in the 90s.

Font size needs to be made adjustable though, IMO. Each character's taking up too much space for my own liking.

Nice idea, will jot it down on the todo for the next rewrite

Also check out https://scenestream.net/ mostly cool demoscene music

Once upon a time I visited the MIT campus in the summer, I could hear someone blasting music through a window dorm room that I really liked. At the time I couldn't figure out what kind of music it was, I couldn't even describe it. It was a mix between techno, sci-fi, hip hop, punk, and just sounded very chill. I went through a lot of online radio stations at the time trying to find something similar but never could. This reminded me of that summer, thanks for sharing!

Oh that sounds like an interesting blend! Wonder if you can find any example artists/songs that fit what you recall

Any direct links to the stations? I would like to save it in my mp3 playlist directory


station_name = rekt | rektory | nightride | chillsynth | datawave | spacesynth | darksynth | horrorsynth | ebsm

I wasn’t aware of rekt.network but NightrideFM has been my daily music choice for a few months now. Love the site

thats awesome! glad you're enjoying it

I love it, too.

I had nightride open for month and then the flickering crashed my Dell Monitor :joy:

I rebooted it via hard reset and opened nightride again, but I made sure to stop the flickering. :joy:

!! Gotta make that new hardware perform on par with 90s gear

Oh I love this, thank you.

Wow, that's something you don't see everyday!

(an use case for SPAs I mean)

Navigation without music interruption!

Really cool design, the Milkdrop tab is a nice touch! I found some of the stations to be perfect as background tunes while working.

Does anyone know if an internet radio station like this exists but is not only restricted to a few genres?

I really enjoy Soma.FM which has a wider range of genres. The cult classic is "Groove Salad"

Edit: There's also the free-with-ads, or paid subscription option, of digitally imported (Di.FM)

+1 to Soma.FM, many many years streaming really good music

SomaFM takes the cake here. Tags Trip, Groove Salad and Space Station are my personal favourites. I regularly donate.

Fun fact: I found SomaFM through Kali Linux. Of all things!

I've found so many cool bands through their Indie Pop Rocks station.

+1 for SomaFM. I also like Radio Paradise: https://radioparadise.com/

Best one is Radio Garden [0]

[0] https://radio.garden

i’ll echo what others have said: soma.fm

For those wondering, the entire top banner is the volume bar. Just drag the volume icon to the left.

Rekt network? I swear I didn't touch the router config! Ah ffs, why is DNS ping 20 seconds...

Anyone have a link for the radio station with atc(or was it police radio) in the background ?

thank you :3

Are you thinking of SomaFM's SF 10-33? https://somafm.com/sf1033/

Also, http://youarelistening.to.

New York station mixes live police radio.

This is amazing. I'm sure there's a lot of lore behind the project.

Fantastic coding music and the winamp retro vibe is awesome. Love the overall design

someone mentioned nightride.fm the other day (yesterday?) on another thread as a comment and now this pops up. sometimes I wonder if bots read HN and submit related stories/topics.

probably just humans -- very natural to see a story or comment and then think of something to submit.

Oh really? Interesting theory

Yup, I'm one of them :)

My favourite station on lofi.cafe was the synth space ambiance one, glad to see a web radio dedicated to synthwave and other electronic music genres.

Hopefully it doesn't hoard CPU as lofi.cafe did.

Isn't this basically Soma.fm?

Your comment reminded me of it, I spent years of my life there. Glad to see it's still alive!

Great stuff. Already gave it a fixed spot in my monitor.

Really cool. Love the shout out to Hacker News just now.

Big ups

This is awesome!

Wow, that's a Ghost CMS site? It looks really good!

Yeah... I've been meaning to write something a little more integrated and SEO friendly, rather than just iframing that blog, but I've not gotten around to it

https://kohina.com/ is one of my regular waterholes.

Any chance of seeing Rekt on Apple Music? Would love to be able to use it as a radio station when I'm driving

Oh man, would be a no-go for rekt I think. Perhaps with Nightride.FM Bluetooth comms should work with any smartphone though, but definitely works easier on androids

Ah that's a shame, thanks for replying nonetheless :)

Why wouldn't you be able to? Plays fine in the background on Firefox for iOS for me.

This is cool

I freaking love this

Would be sick if the music wasn't horrible lol.

To me it sounds dialed-in even on immediate landing. Different strokes!

been listening for the past few hours, good stuff

Nice, I'm getting slayradio vibes from this.

This, and Nectarine

Incredible. Thank you for this. Thank you.

Freezes my browser.

We take retro seriously, now your computer performs like a Pentium II

Kinda slower even...

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