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This blog post is a result of "Blame culture". The intention here is just to find faults and exaggerate, but not to do anything constructive. In the end the blog post does not state anything constructive.

The post is too narrow minded and focuses only on negative aspects. Poor quality is ubiquitous, its every were. Can you name one country which has only highquality programmers? Author just assumes people are bad and things are exaggerated. Blog post creates "panic" which is unwarrented.

Its true that education system needs improvement, but it does not mean that most people are useless. Also this blog post assumes that everyone must be a programmer and not coder. Its like expecting everyone to become a CEO of a company. Expecting everyone to beome CEO and bashing that most are useless is stupid. There are many great programmers and innovators from india.

I would imagine that the best Indian programmers are every bit as good as the best American or European programmers. It's just that at the low end, people who are not good programmers in first world countries will gravitate towards something else as there are plenty of other ways of a making a similar level of income whereas in India options are more limited so people will stick with a career to which they may be ill suited.

From what I've seen Scandinavian countries seems to have a very good track record for creating innovative programmers. A disproportionate number of highly original languages , frameworks , software and games seem to come from there.

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