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Heroku makes sharing SQL data as easy as URL (gigaom.com)
117 points by bbr on Feb 14, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Man, if you could hook up a Data Clip to http://explain.depesz.com, how great would that be?

Good idea!

The clever thing is having saved query results and a way to re-run the query. Besides that it's just a nice executable SQL pastebin with a good user auth strategy (integration into an existing system).

I just wiped their data by appending

    Robert'); DROP TABLE Students; --
To the URL!

Not really, but it makes you wonder strongly about security.


If you can make a dataclip, you have access to the database. We've audited it for privilege escalation and put some simple shooting-yourself-in-the-foot protection in, but if you REALLY REALLY want to screw yourself over you can probably find a way.

anyone know of an open source tool that approximates this? i'd love to build something like it at my company. would be used a ton.

I am guessing it is for your company intranet? If you are powering it with nginx, you can tack the postgres add-on (https://github.com/FRiCKLE/ngx_postgres/) and go from there.

perhaps this? http://htsql.org/

though not quite the same, anytime someone talks about SQL and URLs in the same sentence i think of htsql

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