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When you say "separate ... dealership franchises", are you counting each physical location once, or once per brand? Around here, many dealerships carry multiple brands. Also, there tend to be multiple dealerships clustered together (probably due to zoning, and tax incentives that some municipalities offer), so they're not as smoothly distributed as McDonalds. Still, those are amazing numbers!

To be honest I just took the numbers from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_car_dealerships_are_in_Am... which claims to quote the National Automobile Dealers Association. More completely that page says "more than 17,000 new car and truck dealers with approximately 37,500 separate franchises" so even without the 'separate franchises' the number is still higher.

But yeah, I agree that the numbers are amazing...

There are small towns around where I grew up that have a car dealership, but no McDonalds. Or multiple car dealerships to a single McDonalds.

Hmm, come to think of it I think towns of 20-30k usually have 2 or 3 car dealers (usually one each for the big 3), but only a single McDonalds.

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