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Must have mistyped the password because now I can't log in.

Where is the password recovery form?

Not that I think there should be need for any password at all.

Sorry about that. Do you have an email address in your profile? I could hack up a quick password recovery system to let you back in. The accounts are only necessary if you want a shelf of your own. If you're simply lurking - which is perfectly OK - you can browse everything but you won't get the full experience.

Well... 1 no password confirmation, 2 no way of seeing it as I type it, 3 obviously not going to use a password I already use. Chances were high this would happen.

My username is the same as here though. Doesn't let me reuse the email address.

I'd rather have openID, or just let the user create password-less accounts. Who'd want to vandalise my account?

Also, if you are going to ask me for my email (supposedly for password recovery, a feature that doesn't exist at least for now) then you might as well not force me to come up with a user name and let me use the email address instead.

Also, why do I have to mouse-over to see the tags? tags that are terribly inconsistent, by the way. Since I can't log in I don't see if any user can vote on tags, or modify them, or just set tags for his own submissions. I suspect it's the latter and they're not curated. I mean, there are only a bunch of pages worth of books and they're already inconsistent enough to be basically useless as a means of categorisation. You should probably edit them to give the site an initial push.

Every little inconvenience exponentially increases the chances of the user not coming a 2nd time.

I like the concept, but at its current state this site makes me want to spider the hell out of it and do my file management locally.

I've sent you the recovery link, if you're still interested. Again, sorry for the frustration.

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