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That's an excellent summary. It fails to mention the author's reluctance to confront the potential perpetrator, and doesn't mention the author's colorful writing style. But for a summary in three sentences, this is spot on.

> That's an excellent summary.

I’m not so sure. The summary captures some of the "facts" in the story, but not what it is actually about. Surely a summary should do that? You point out some of what’s missing, but there is more. The story is as much about social expectations as anything else, as well as authors relationship with technology, limitations of that technology, etc.

None of that appears above, which could be considered a partial plot synopsis at best … but misses/mix states important details like: it’s always unclear whether or not she has been close to “the thief”.

You are the real MVP. Great idea with ChatGPT. There should be a shortcut for Safari or any browser for a quick TLDR.

I have a service (made using the Shortcuts app) that takes whatever I've highlighted and pipes it to ChatGPT with a prompt that basically says "the user, who is a reasonably educated software developer, wants you to explain/analyze/summarize this piece of text that they've highlighted", and shows the result in a pop-up window.

What's amazing is that I could've built the shortcut on my iPhone while commuting to work, it's all built right in. The same service works without a single change on iPhone, iPad and Mac (where it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to it).

Sounds perfect, could you share this shortcut? Just remove your api key beforehand.

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