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>(And the much bigger conflict is for properties with a no or reduced buyer’s agent commission.)

I work in two states, one of which now has a mixed commission model and the other soon going there... we aren't seeing a lot of properties without a buyer's agent commission, but in those cases (mostly FSBOs) I've simply negotiated a reasonable fee to represent the buyer and we've baked it into the cost of their financing. They get representation but don't have to come up with more out-of-pocket.

I would encourage people to ask their agents about commissions and have open conversation. I have a closing tomorrow and another next week and I couldn't even tell you the commission amount other than that yes I'll get paid something. If an agent is paying excessive attention to the commission or trying to strong-arm you into a house, find a different agent. Real estate is seldom about traditional sales - I don't sell you the property, I match-make you to it, IE: I'm here to find you the right property for you, and if I do a good job on your behalf the money will come. Again - if that's not the experience you are having, go find a different agent.

I respect that there are many people doing their best to help their clients, without regards to the short run impact to their pocket book. (Obviously there is a long run benefit to keeping clients happy, etc, etc.) It is not hard to find examples online of buyers agents being told to ignore sub-3% listings, and the universal advice for people doing FSBO or flat fee listings is to still offer 3% tot he buyer.

I think it would be better if the system didn't have this conflict of interest in the first place. It sounds like your market is there already, I expect the rest of the country to eventually follow even if they have to be dragged kicking and screaming. (See Moerhl, Sitzer/Burnett)

On the positive side for agents, currently the best and worst buyer's agents are forced to charge essentially the same price. Breaking up the current model would in theory allow some differentiation. The best agents can offer more services that buyer's may want. Experienced buyers who need less help can go to an agent who charges less, etc.

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