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Mass homelessness is new to Australia.

It's used to be a small number of people here and there.

The obsession with owning real estate has turned our society into landlords and renters, with renters paying the mortgages on their landlords investments - mortgages which are spiraling up due to interest rate rises.

Nearly all the members of parliament have extensive housing portfolios so they have disincentive to fix it. In fact recently house prices were going down, so the ALP government just fast tracked in 715,000 migrants, which has fixed that problem nicely.

Australia was already in the worst housing crisis ever in its history. When asked how the 715,000 migrants will impact the housing crisis, the ALP government simply says that migration does not impact housing, and that the housing crisis is not the fault of migrants.

Previously even the slightest questioning of migration risked you being labelled a racist, but with the new government fast tracking 715,000 and planning for 1.5 million migrants in the next five years, it's has become a huge community issue and many are standing up and asking why we are importing vast numbers of people when the country does not have the housing or resources to support them.

The people at the bottom of society - who don't look great on a rental application form - what are they doing? I don't know what happens to them. It's awful and the ALP government really don't care.

I've come to deeply hate government in general. The ALP is meant to be the left wing party that looks after ordinary people. Instead it has turned out to be just another bunch of rich politicians feathering their own nests.

Yes, which is why more people need to vote minor parties and independents if there are good ones in their electorates. Basically our major parties are a bit like the US - the Liberal/National coalition, like the Republicans, govern for the rich at the expense of the poor, and the Labor party (like the Democrats) just maintain the status quo but put a progressive PR spin on it... The political ratchet, where one party moves things, and the other just stops things moving back...

At least our voting system actually lets minor parties win seats, which is why I think our Government is at least a bit less crazy than the States.

> so the ALP government just fast tracked in 715,000 migrants, which has fixed that problem nicely.

And now the ALP secured 715,000 additional ballots. Genius. Why try to improve the situation for the Australian people when you can literally "import" ballots?

I spent 1 month in Australia and my daughter 6. Hiring ads are on almost every shops or business activities, so - probably - those 715.000 workers are necessary.

Giving them a decent house for living is another problem

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