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>One whistleblower tells of how the company uses the surveillance advertising industry to locate elderly people who've broken a hip: "a 60-day countdown to death — and, possibly, a deal."

This statement right here is truly disgusting and real. It doesn't just apply exploitive contracts either. In the case where the victim is deemed incompetent by the government, this is how families have them die. You want to talk about socialist death panels? Family members with power of attorney will turn down surgery knowing full well its not only a death sentence, it's excruciatingly painful the whole time. People show more mercy to their pets.

Surgery for a broken hip in an elderly patient may not do much to aid survival, depending on the patient's situation. Managing pain may be more humane than a surgery; especially if the patient is not of sound mind and may be unable to participate in rehabilitation to make use of their repaired or replaced hip. Of course, you're not allowed to request euthenasia for your relatives like you are for your pets, so it's harder to show the same type of mercy.

This is just barely scratching the surface of the surveillance society that our own tech industry has enthusiastically embraced, at every opportunity.

Even from the very first alpha prototype or placeholder Web site we create, we almost always throw in third-party "analytics". Haven't even launched MVP, and already selling out out the privacy of our visitors.

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