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The "experience place" that I would like to go to is like a kindergarten for hackers, a "hackergarten". It would let me play with many things that are too much of a commitment to do at home, like gardening or small woodwork or microcontroller electronics, and also it could have micro-courses, like a 2 hour lecture on magic tricks or kite building or simple chemistry.

You can go to workshops organized by hackerspaces or fablabs. Or you can look around and find a meetup you like.

http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_ALL_Hacker_Spaces http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/labs/ (seems to be missing some places) meetup.com

Also I would like to mention http://www.super-marmite.com/ http://letslunch.com/ and all the other eat/cook with somebody opportunities.

You don't have to be a spy or somebody else to have some adventure. That idea is limited, just combine it with some other needs and there you have it.

Some hackerspaces are much like you describe, although, they are not as well organized to accept low-commitment walk-ins at any hour of the day. But that sounds like an interesting way to keep the space going -- half the space is entry-level fun at a modest price, half the space is the usual craziness.

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