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Appreciate the thoughtfulness. I believe the branching factor of even wide keyed tables don’t add significant cost to point lookups. At most one or two extra disk pages needing to be read.

Example: 80 bytes keys gives you branching factor of roughly 100. 10M rows and you can pack say 20 rows per page. That’s a 4GB table, give or take. That btree still only has 3 intermediate layers and primary data on a 4th layer. (Calculation is log(10M/20/0.75)/log(100)+1.) The first two layers take up less than a megabyte of ram and are therefore easily cached. So you wind up only needing 2 disk reads for the final two layers. Unless Postgres is caching the entire index for point lookups, it should come out about even.

Can’t find any resource saying that btree height exceeds 5, so I’m thinking it’s at worst 2x the (very small) disk read cost vs Postgres.

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