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I added a couple of books. Seems like this could be a useful resource. A couple of feature requests: Search and ratings.

Maybe ratings are what "points" are, but I'm not sure exactly what points means in the context of this site. Care to elaborate?

Search might take some time to implement, but I'll build a tag index over the next two days. Would that make it any easier?

Points are a rudimentary ratings system based on how many times a book has been added to members' shelves. They will tie in to a possible karma system later on. Hope that helps. And thanks for the suggestions.

Search would be great, as its going to be a pain when the size of the list grows to beyond a few books.

Tagging would be nice too.

Already implemented tagging. Still trying to figure out a good way to roll it out. But if you go to hackershelf.com/book/(book_id)/edit/ you can add tags to your heart's content :) That should work for now.

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