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This looks like a beautiful setup that isn't used too much. Or perhaps I am just jealous that I can't keep my active work spaces neat.

Or the author is incredibly thorough and detail oriented, and cleaned it up for the photos. I agree, it's a great setup.

That's exactly what I thought- no actively used bench would ever look this clean unless it had been setup/staged.

Looks it has just been completed and is now ready to be put into action.

Do you buy alot of surplus components/equipment?

50% of my garage workshop is from bulk buys from hamfests and machine shop auctions. Its nearly impossible to keep organized because you always get extra stuff that you "can use later" which just adds to the clutter since there isn't always a place to put it.

>50% of my garage workshop is from bulk buys from hamfests and machine shop auctions

Is there a cure for this disease?

Mine will only be cured by my death. Hopefully not prematurely under a tipped over pile of test equipment...

Some sort of organizational method. I've thought about it alot, its more of an inventory system with an unknown amount of items and categories.

Simple things become organizational nightmares forcing you to rethink you're bench layout for example: I put my LM317s in a small bin because I only had 3 but now I have a bag of 300, I guess I need to get a bigger bin, or do I just use the small bin and save some for later but where, but how many, how do I know how many I have in total?

I fight with this a lot. Best solution I've found is add a 'bulk' label to the bin so I know to refill from my 'warehouse' stockpile when something gets low.

Here's the worst part:

When I spin up a new project I just buy everything new from digikey rather than deal with the hassle of picking out parts from the part pile.

>Do you buy alot of surplus components/equipment?

Not any more, I already have thousands of kilos.

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