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https://cronhub.io (makes about $1200/Month revenue. About $200/Month in costs which I can optimize further but I don't have the time)

I took this over from someone else over a year ago and work on it very rarely due to support volume being low and I have another business that keeps me busy full time. Tech in Laravel/PHP. If anyone is interested in helping, let me know.

Nice! I remember learning about Cronhub when the original developer was building in public on social media, back in 2019. I remember thinking it was a cool idea, and even recommended it to a friend that was running a startup and was having some issues with failing cron jobs.

Cool to see that it’s still around and profitable! Yeah, maintenance of an inherited codebase is hard, but happy to see that someone took over it.

Yea. Great guy. We are in touch and he still helps out occasionally if I have a question.

I'm really curious how much one should expect to pay to acquire a project that does $1200/month like this?

Usually 3-4X of yearly profits for smaller projects like these. If it is growing at a decent pace, then you can ask for a bit more but don't expect to get more than max 3-5x of yearly profits. For example, if I sold it today, I would expect around 40-50K minimum. If Growth was better and I was spending tons of time on it, I would ask for more.

Thank you.

How do you generally get new users for this?

Decent Inbound traffic. I literally need to fix some technical issues to get more conversions. But I get stuck with my other business a lot more. This project needs a bit more love and can do wonders. It also has the concept of Scheduled functions and not just cron monitoring.

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