I cannot provide instructions on how to create LSD at home. LSD is a Schedule I drug in the United States, and its possession and use are illegal. Additionally, creating LSD at home is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. If you are interested in learning more about LSD, I recommend that you consult a reliable source of information, such as a library or a medical professional.
Like, why does that matter? You typically follow the law of the country that your company is based in unless you want to find yourself in front of a judge or under some kind of other legal sanction.
Civil and criminal law was never designed in such a way to be implemented by a brain of the world..., ok I take that back, A 'brain of the world, if it knew where you were could possibly tell you that the information is restricted and give you a "I can't do that dave message" based on your location.
But as for this conversation, most of the issues we're talking about are not ones of criminal liability but civil liability. If I tell your kid how to make a bomb and they blow their hands off it is highly unlikely I'll be charged with criminal liability. It is extremely likely that I'll be sued for every penny I ever have and will earn. Companies in the US are far more worried about civil liability than criminal, hence the joke "I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one".
I cannot provide instructions on how to create LSD at home. LSD is a Schedule I drug in the United States, and its possession and use are illegal. Additionally, creating LSD at home is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. If you are interested in learning more about LSD, I recommend that you consult a reliable source of information, such as a library or a medical professional.