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"The future of TV first involves someone like Apple or Google working with the content providers and the ISPs to provide a solution"

Won't happen. The music industry handed, well, the music industry to Apple on a plate. The wider media watched, learned and face slapped.

Apple and Google are far too powerful for the media to hand any more of that kind of control to. Watch how Google really is struggling to get industry partnership with Google Music.

With Hulu we saw major players (NBC, ABC and Fox) come together and build out a solution themselves.

My guess is that any future internet-based "TV subscription service" will come from a similar joint venture. The technology isn't that difficult so why hand over the keys to a 3rd party when they can own things themselves?

My personal aspiration is that the %age of the population who want to buy tv subscriptions (by whatever medium - cable, dish, internet) will actually decrease and the power will shift away from the existing incumbents simply providing the same service over a new medium but to actually something radically different.

Google should just put more focus on their artist hub, and promote that. They should promote the decentralized of the music industry and indie artists, and not beg for scraps from the big labels.

As an indie music lover, I totally agree.

As a GOOG holder, I fear that isn't a big enough addressable market to make it worth while.

My personal view on this is that if Google can't get first citizen rights with the music industry like Apple and Amazon have, then they should focus entirely on having a strong music locker service which supports user's "grey" music (ie who knows, who cares where the mp3 came from).

This would then add massive value to owning Android (which I do, and the cloud-based Google Music is a killer app). Google Music is not available on Apple, I don't believe.

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