All the other options that were mentioned are open-source and available to public usage. They actually exist.
Mojo on the other hand has an empty Github repo, no downloads, and no public access. You need to get approval from Modular Inc before you can even use a demo of Mojo.
Clicking the "Get started with Mojo" or the "Request access" buttons take you to the same page with a form that asks your full name and email address, but giving them your personal info does not actually give you access to Mojo. It just gives you the following message until someone at Modular Inc vets your application.
> We will contact you as soon as we are ready to onboard you into our early preview program.
All the other options mentioned in this thread actually have downloads and repos that you can check out, and you don't need to fill an application form to "Request access". They exist, right now.
Yeah I didn't mean to advocate for Mojo necessarily. I use Python for projects and like a lot about it, but often feel as if its implementations are kind of fragmented in many respects, and Mojo seems like it could potentially further that trend for me at least, at the current time. Other projects are certainly more open and established.
For me personally what I want to see is a completely open, working, high-performance Python compiler that is fully compatible with official spec 100%, in the sense that you could take any code anywhere and it would work just as well on the official interpreter as on the compiler. Maybe this means creating an official Python 4.0 spec or something that's a superset of 3.0, or something, but right now I'm not sure I see anything quite like that.
I could see Mojo being that eventually but you're right that at the moment it's far from that.
Mojo on the other hand has an empty Github repo, no downloads, and no public access. You need to get approval from Modular Inc before you can even use a demo of Mojo.
Clicking the "Get started with Mojo" or the "Request access" buttons take you to the same page with a form that asks your full name and email address, but giving them your personal info does not actually give you access to Mojo. It just gives you the following message until someone at Modular Inc vets your application.
> We will contact you as soon as we are ready to onboard you into our early preview program.
All the other options mentioned in this thread actually have downloads and repos that you can check out, and you don't need to fill an application form to "Request access". They exist, right now.