What role did Ink serve? I mean couldn’t you have just logged to console?
I’m trying to figure out if Ink enabled you to do something at all, made it easier, or you just liked using it. All of which are fair. It seems like you just liked using it.
I think it’s rerendering the “UI” on data updates. Basically exactly the readme for ink. It’s a single log line of output, but it’s repainted in place, not appended to stdout.
Sure you can do that other ways. Personally I’d love to build terminal tuis with react component!
thank you for clarifying. that makes sense and does sound nice to re-render the same line instead of logging a new line each time. I do think it would be simpler/faster (albeit maybe not nicer) to log a message w/ timestamp to accomplish the same thing, putting this in the "nice to have" category.
what the other comment said, it replaces output and looks like a proper terminal UI. But it also adds features for hotkeys, progress bars, text input etc.
I have it integrated into a bigger CLI project where only a few commands enter the UI. Most of them just render to stdout and are meant to be pipeable
I’m trying to figure out if Ink enabled you to do something at all, made it easier, or you just liked using it. All of which are fair. It seems like you just liked using it.