It turns out that Julia is ~a lisp, just with a weird syntax. If you look at the metaprogramming facilities, all expressions are first turned into s-exprs while parsing. There is no problem having a LISP syntax for Julia, and in fact this has been implemented! (
Some have said Python is "enough" of a Lisp, but it's really not. Julia is much closer to being a true Lisp. It has macros sure, but its the overall feel and flexibility of the ecosystem that feels Lispy. At least as much as I've dabbled with Lisp and its history.
Have you tried running `julia --lisp`? That's a full-blown Femtolisp interpreter built right into the REPL! I also recommend playing with `Meta.show_sexpr` which can take any Julia expression and represent it as an S-expression.
We know macros are awesome, but if you're trying to convert others please provide code, screenshots, or even an interactive web demo.