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You can have nice foreign function interface between R->Julia and Julia ->R. If you're already happy pulling out slow functions into RCpp, then maybe there's no speed benefit. But there are some very nice, very fast libraries in Julia, where if you have a tight inner loop, it could be worth looking into

It reads and writes a lot like python (but nicer IMO), I don't think the learning curve is immense to try it for small optimizations. And it's also not unreadable so other people can verify your code

> nice foreign function interface between R->Julia and Julia ->R

JuliaCall[1] and RCall[2].

Python<->Julia is similarly well exercised with PyCall[1], and recently PythonCall[2].

[1] https://non-contradiction.github.io/JuliaCall/index.html [2] https://github.com/JuliaInterop/RCall.jl [3] https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl [4] https://cjdoris.github.io/PythonCall.jl/stable/

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