The problem with that is that nobody who is seriously doing energy modelling would propose to do all storage with batteries. That's more a popular misunderstanding than an actual energy concept.
If you plan for a 100% renewable grid what you do is that you use different types of storage for what they're good at. Batteries can play a role in short-term storage, but for seasonal storage they're clearly not a good choice. Electrolyzers and H2 gas peaker plants (or maybe ammonia instead of H2) look like the most promising option.
I wish more people knew this, because all this "I calculated how many batteries you'd need for your renewables, we need nuclear!" clearly is neither an informed take nor helpful.
If you plan for a 100% renewable grid what you do is that you use different types of storage for what they're good at. Batteries can play a role in short-term storage, but for seasonal storage they're clearly not a good choice. Electrolyzers and H2 gas peaker plants (or maybe ammonia instead of H2) look like the most promising option.
I wish more people knew this, because all this "I calculated how many batteries you'd need for your renewables, we need nuclear!" clearly is neither an informed take nor helpful.