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"And we apparently don't notice frame-rates above 72 every second."

I'm curious what conditions he's referring to with those 72 frames. Is motion blur built in for instance or are they static snapshots? 72 just seems a bit low. http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frames_can_humans_see.htm

You'll never get an absolute number for this as humans don't see in 'frames'.

I would assume his numbers would include motion blur as that effect is not only important for 'smoothness' but also for giving a realistic feeling of movement and rotation when translated to a stationary display. If the 'player' spins around quickly you've got to blur it regardless of framerate or it just doesn't look right.

I was recently egged into digging up hard numbers on this subject. Here's my post: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p4lrj/paradox_intera...

Short version: Min to simulate motion:~10Hz. Min to stop noticing flicker:~60Hz. Diminished returns on immersion:~72Hz. Limit on ability to flick your eyes and still see temporal aliasing:~2000Hz

lols... would be pretty funny if he got 72fps from a test on a 60hz lcd ( ==60fps max visible hard cutoff )

btw quickhack test:

- set crt to X hz refresh rate

- bright white screen

- wave a pencil quickly in front of it

the X refresh rate at which you stop seeing a trail of 'multiple pencils' is just beyond your fps sensitivy threshold.. yes?

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