Have you tried asking ChatGPT? That’s where all my technical questions start these days.
In the past few days it’s helped me with a bunch of k8s stuff (“explain this coredns log message”, “give me the kubectl command to show all events sorted by most recent first”, etc…)
I'm trying it a bit and it looks pretty good. A bit worse at re-using context but promising. Why does kagi gives that away for free, but asks a fee for search ? I would argue chat is more expansive operationnally ?
This a Kagi experiment (hence on labs.kagi.com subdomain). We run many experiments to learn about AI and search and we will be soon implementing learnings from FastGPT into Kagi.
In the past few days it’s helped me with a bunch of k8s stuff (“explain this coredns log message”, “give me the kubectl command to show all events sorted by most recent first”, etc…)