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There are two payments.

First you pay to participate in the lottery. This is money you've lost no matter what.

Then if you win you pay a second amount for the permit itself.

The government should not be selling loot boxes that are sometimes empty. You shouldn't be charged for nothing.

I agree. To add my POV, I feel this is just another step in the pimping of national land. The government and American people are once again being taken advantage of by one of the big consulting firms. Big surprise. Places like Gatlinburg have become cesspools as it's pretty much a mini Las Vegas of the East. As someone who came from a rural background, you couldn't pay me to go to one of the bigger national parks so I can wait in line to faux climb a peak.

On the private land side, more and more landowners are leasing their land for hunting. I'm in the rural midwest - not long ago you could hunt on just about any private property simply by walking up to the person's front door and asking nicely. Nowadays more and more properties are leased out and under strict contracts that limit access. In my area many contracts limit foot traffic, not just hunting.

Luckily my family owns land, and we let neighbors on it, but this is becoming more and more outlier philosophy. I totally get it all and understand it from an economic point of view, but it doesn't make it suck any less.

On the public side however, this just doesn't sit right with me. There must be a different solution.

you're not charged for nothing - you're charged for a chance to get something. If the lottery was free, what prevents you from signing up multiple times?

The fact is, demand for these spots are too high. I'd rather see an auction, but that'd be too unfair for people who aren't rich enough - public goods are still public and should be available.

Is the lottery fee really what's preventing people from signing up multiple times? Aren't there so many other services in this world that manage that pretty well without a lottery fee?

An auction does sound better, at least then you either get it and spend the money or you don't.

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