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> I think Angular and it’s ecosystem is falling behind compared to their alternatives.

How so?

My experience with libraries built by the community. Libraries for react have much higher quality than angular libraries. I usually fix the hard bugs in our team, and therefore read a lot of library code on GitHub. Usually react libraries impress me and angular libraries are often rather underwhelming. Highly subjective opinion though.

I don't have much experience outside of Angular ecosystem, but I share this sentiment too - the framework might be good, but the community size and quality also matter a lot. A similar example would be Sublime Text vs VSCode - I use the former, but VSCode has so much more vibrant community and everything supports VSCode by default, unlike ST where you are lucky to get a half-working prototype.

The framework is so complex, that a lot of details are not documented at all. And you see library authors struggle with that complexity.

The rising tide lifts all boats. Except Angular.


First of all, if you want to compare actual growth, you'll need a logarithmic scale. Second, if you add in alternatives like Vue.js, you'll realize React dwarfs both Angular and Vue.js, yet I don't see anyone on HN claiming "Vue is dying".

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