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Pull quote:

"The reason we built these apps was, in retrospect, incredibly shallow, and I thank my ex-boss for helping me realise this. We built them because we thought they were going to be popular, following the typical web 2.0 path to riches:

   1. Make popular app.
   2. ???
   3. Profit!!1
"Looking back, I think to myself, is trying to make a popular app enough anymore? If you just attempt to make a popular app, how are you any different from the next web startup. The only thing that separates you is ability, and ability can be hired or learned - so the question becomes who has deeper pockets or more free time. Thusly any idiot with time or money can build a web app these days and these were crowded markets we were attempting to break into - productivity and mobile blogging. What then, separates the wheat from the chaff in this case? For me, I think the big one is emotional investment."

to quote vallywag: "Shhh, you're harshing our buzz."

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