We should push for laws and resist new acts that curtail our rights of privacy and free expression, but that is not a solution. We are generally on our own in making our choices of technology to use. If you go on using proprietary services and networks hoping that someday laws will suddenly fix all the problems, you are seriously deluded or naïve.
You mean... like some sort of a... a Constitution...
One with lines like:
"The Congress shall make no law..."
"The People shall..."
"...shall not be infringed."
"All powers not mentioned here are reserved for the States, or ultimately, the People."
We're beyond the point where good faith can be assumed, and we're down to brass tacks. Our judiciary has shown they are more than willing to creatively reinterpret precedent as they see fit. Our Executive is acting more and more like a dictator with an entire corpus of executive based lawmaking at his disposal (Administrative Law). The Legislature has abdicated responsibility for reigning in excesses in the interest of the little people rather than established incorporated interests and high value donors.
And the People are left with a choice. Amongst all this dysfunction, what should they do?