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Ask HN: I have no one else to turn to.. BlueSky invite?:(
3 points by smith7018 on May 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hey HN, I'm sorry to do this publicly but someone on Reddit suggested asking for a BlueSky invite here. I've grown really tired of constantly reporting anti-lgbt and anti-Jewish content on Twitter only to have Twitter say they don't find anything wrong. I've heard that BlueSky is like a breath of fresh air and I could really use that right about now. It would honestly make my month if someone was kind enough to share an invite.

Also, I read the HN guidelines and I think this is alright to post? If not, then I will kindly delete it.

Thanks, y'all!

Of course it all boils down to personal preferences, and YMMV, but I can say I've truly been enjoying the atmosphere and friendships at counter.social since leaving the other big platform.

Email me (my email address is in my HN profile) and I can reply with my invite code.

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