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> Others have mentioned Fabrice Bellard's LTE code, but (AFIAK) it's not freely available. Don't take this as a criticism. Bellard has done some great Free software and it shouldn't be expected that he will release everything as Free software.

Also, I think that if Fabrice would release it as open-source, the pros/cons balance would be different compared to other projects (ffmpeg, qemu...) because

* very few people would be able to use and benefit this, considering that 1°/ you need proper (expensive) hardware, 2°/ anyway you cannot use licensed bands, 3°/ actually you can (mostly) also not use unlicensed bands without proper support from phones and without implementing the required band-sharing mechanisms from the regulation (e.g. listen-before-talk), and anyway LAA requires to use a licensed band as an anchor for signaling...

* it would have cancelled a source of revenue (today through Amarisoft)

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