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I am not talking about visual wow factor quality. I would love link to my instagram of amazing dalle2 and SD generated images, but I like to keep my HN account clean of personal info. [1 like this] Children don't care about that, they consume images as a way of creating and expanding their inner world and their understanding the outer world. A stick figure that captures something real to life in an way a child can recognize and be excited by is much 'quality' image for children's media than a 'award winning picture of a cute robot holding a flower 4k documentary footage' descended from a random distribution of Gaussian noise. The Gernative AIs we have today don't make things like this story by Joy Cowley with these kind of illustrations.[2]

[1] https://pasteboard.co/VG6XNvbeC4gA.png

[2] https://www.slideserve.com/herbst/story-by-joy-cowley-illust...

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