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> a Rust program which relies on this for a constant


Sorry, I'm not reading 1100 words of privacy policy to get a chance to read whatever that is.

I recommend just reading or closing the privacy policy -- it's a single screen (on my device) and is quite reasonable. Because "whatever that is" is a godbolt link... and godbolt is one of the absolutely most valuable and greatest tools available for software developers who work in compiled languages. It's definitely worth becoming familiar with.

> godbolt is one of the absolutely most valuable and greatest tools available for software developers who work in compiled languages.

That's a bold claim for a tool that doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry.

Edit: or a subreddit.

Gosh, this website is becoming reddit more and more everyday. YOU don't have a wikipedia entry. Are you also now classified as "whatever that is"? Of course not.

I would implore you to open your mind up to resources that aren't popular social media because that's where the real gold/value is in development/engineering.

> YOU don't have a wikipedia entry.

I'm not claiming to be "one of the absolutely most valuable and greatest tools available" though. (Well, maybe the "greatest tool" part ;-) And if someone else claimed that about me, I'd think that either there was something very wrong with them, or that one of my parents had started using alt accounts I didn't know about.

Considering some of the software tools that do have dedicated wikipedia pages and subreddits, and that I'd never heard of godbolt before, I don't think it's out of line to be skeptical of such a hyperbolic claim.

(For what it's worth, I suspect if you took a random poll of Hacker News commenters, at least 90% would know what godbolt is. In fact, until I saw this thread, I thought it was just something like the C language which _everyone_ knows exists - it certainly deserves to be - although of course every day there's a new lucky 10000.)

Yes. I am comfortable depending this claim -- purely as a user, no association with the tool developers.

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