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You realize stable diffusion has been out for 6 months and is more powerful than midjourney?

My god, sorry for the dumb post, but SD is only months old? It already feels like it has been around forever. This space is insane.

Was, when it came out, since then MJ have released 3 new models (plus variants) and most users assess the MJv5 model as more powerful. Of course new SD models are also on the horizon…

> Of course new SD models are also on the horizon…

SDXL is available at https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ though they say they're going to release more variants.

I think ControlNet is a lot more interesting than just "better tuned models"; it means there's no line between creating something yourself and asking an AI to do it anymore.

Maybe in some technical sense but in practice the majority of quality (subjective) work I see shared on Twitter is Midjourney backed. Which is crazy to me because I don’t think I could design a more frustrating interface than Discord.

Midjourney gives you good images with near zero work. SD makes you work for the output but gives you FAR greater control but also needing to be technically skilled, and have pricey hardware. Given this, it is easy to understand why the majority of what you see is done in midjourney.

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