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Thanks swyx again for sharing your insight in this space.

I closely followed your work while you were at Temporal. "React for Backend" resonated with what I experienced while building couple of systems in the backend!

It's been a year or two since then, and I'm frankly surprised that Temoporal-like services don't appear that mainstream. At least in my small circle friends, orchestration framework is still in the "early adopter" stage of innovation.

Any recent take on the adoption of Temporal-like frameworks? Do you still believe it will have a React like moment in the future?

thhanks for reading!

> I'm frankly surprised that Temoporal-like services don't appear that mainstream. At least in my small circle friends, orchestration framework is still in the "early adopter" stage of innovation.

yup and the problem is in both demand and supply. it is still too difficult to get up and running (whether with temporal or orkes or other) and also not enough developers realize the business value of/(difficulty of doing well) doing long running async work (i tried to communicate that in all my temporal intros, but getting devs to care about what code has abnormal biz value is surprisingly difficult, only a minority look at code like that).

further - choreography (as referenced in my article) will always be simpler to start with than orchestration, so many people will start there first and basically stop there. so the activation energy to feel the pain is nonzero.

that said, we have evidence that app developers will eventually be convinced to overcome learning curves and shift work left, with typescript released in 2012 but only "winning" in 2018-19. there was no React "moment", it grew and grew through the work and advocacy of a small group of believers and the fortunate self immolation of Angular 2

Thanks - just reading the article that you linked to above on your website. It seems like a very similar concept to state machines; can you help me wrap my head around how this might play with something like xstate or that concept?

As always thanks for being generous with your time. Always learn a lot from you!

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