E=mc^2. If you have enough energy, in any form, it is equivalent to mass and should disturb spacetime equivalently.
Light can also be used to push objects. Interestingly, sunlight exerts a pressure of 6.56e-10 [psi = lbs/in^2] or 4.53e-6 [N/m^2] on the Earth. This is roughly 5.75e8 [N] or 46 Space Shuttle SRBs. The gravitational force between the Earth and Sun is 3.52e22 [N], or + ~14 orders-of-magnitude.
Objects on Earth at the rotational equator at MSL weigh 0.2% less than at the rotational poles due to the centrifugal force.
Light can also be used to push objects. Interestingly, sunlight exerts a pressure of 6.56e-10 [psi = lbs/in^2] or 4.53e-6 [N/m^2] on the Earth. This is roughly 5.75e8 [N] or 46 Space Shuttle SRBs. The gravitational force between the Earth and Sun is 3.52e22 [N], or + ~14 orders-of-magnitude.
Objects on Earth at the rotational equator at MSL weigh 0.2% less than at the rotational poles due to the centrifugal force.