What is "PMC"? I am only aware of that three-letter-acronym (TLA) being used for "private military contractors", and didn't see any definition of it in the parent comment.
On a broader level, could we all just define our acronyms the first time we use them in a thread? Acronyms save very little time, and add a lot of confusion.
edit: I thought about this more, and am now guessing you mean 'private management consultants"; is this correct?
Professional-managerial class. Originally it was a term in Marxist and paleoconservative analysis to refer to an emerging class of workers who do not own the means of production (and hence are not "capital" per se) but have ended up de facto doing all the management of capital because of the distributed power and ownership structures endemic to modern society (and so are not quite the proletariat either). Colloquially (as the parent is using it) it is used derisively to refer to busybody white-collar workers who produce nothing of value and seem to exist only to further bureaucratic obstruction.
On a broader level, could we all just define our acronyms the first time we use them in a thread? Acronyms save very little time, and add a lot of confusion.
edit: I thought about this more, and am now guessing you mean 'private management consultants"; is this correct?