Some of the higher tiers of AWS enterprise support are INCREDIBLE. They're close the level of support I'm contracted to provide as a full time IC. Stuff like turnaround within hours? 30 minutes for critical issues?
It just sounds like they're not a huge account.
Their point was, if you’re a small account you get
terrible support. Saying huge accounts great support isn’t relevant for the overwhelming majority of AWS customers.
Not my experience at all - I was a small account. I was paying for support. They went way outside support scope and seemed to think nothing of it, they should tell customers to pound sand more often probably, but it seemed like they are willing to troubleshoot customer issues pretty thoroughly.
Did have some complaints about some things (classic flat network going away if you started with that had some bumps).
As a nobody with a few side projects on AWS I found support incredibly helpful- walking me through a long process of how to turn off and lock services when my account got hacked and a huge bill ran up.
I have a mid seven figure/year AWS spend and still have grandfathered "dev" level of support. Haven't gotten the (ridiculously expensive) "enterprise" level support because I'm just so happy with what we get with "dev" plan.
What are all these declarations of "incredible" and so on? Where's the proof? Where's the bug tracker? I wrote literally that you cannot file a bug, and all answers here "oh, it's so great!" but still nothing about that bug tracker...
No. There's support for financial issues, or you can get support to tell you how to use AWS. If something is broken in AWS, you are on your own. Those people owe you nothing and won't do anything out of the goodness of their hearts because in most cases they don't even have a clue who within the organization they need to talk to in order to get a bug ticket created and processed.
On a personal level: as an individual developer, I have never been even able to reach to anyone from AWS about their bugs simply because the "solution architect" wouldn't even bother to talk to rank-and-file, and other than that the only other option is to vent into a text area in the AWS console, which I'm sure is just some JavaScript for show. You cannot file a bug, nor can you see what other bugs have been filed. Nor can you get any estimates on whether the bug was reproduced, nor anything about the plans of fixing the bug.
It's evident by the replies that many people don't share your experience. I've also had very effective support from AWS, from technical issues to spending optimizations. You seem to really care about whether a ticket exists to track your issue, which I don't really care about if I'm emailing a person and my issue is resolved.
Based on all the feedback you are receiving, it may be wise to reevaluate your points of contact with AWS and make sure you are speaking to the right person, and in the right way. Sorry to hear you've had bad luck until now.
It sounds like you didn't use AWS support but you got AWS certified consultants.