> If signing into an account can be preserved despite the "unlocked" bootloader, there has to be some sort of hypervisor/"secure chip" type deal denying access to the part of the device the account info is stored, no? Otherwise one could erase the account info and pass the device as untainted anyways.
All Android devices have some sort of TEE these days, otherwise they wouldn't get Netflix and a bunch of other apps people will demand to work.
Yeah, I'm not denying the existence or need for a TEE, I just mean that either the TEE is secured against custom OSs and therefore signing in beforehand is unnecessary, or the sign-in information could be erased by a custom OS.
So requiring a login to unlock the bootloader doesn't really disincentivise any theft in either case, as I understand it.
All Android devices have some sort of TEE these days, otherwise they wouldn't get Netflix and a bunch of other apps people will demand to work.