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> If I offered you irradiated steak or tartare, would you eat it?

I'm not sure what radiation would practically do and whether eating something like that would be safe for me either way.

As for the steak, if I was sure that it was quality meat, I might opt for medium well due to social pressure, otherwise leaning more on the side of well done, which some might view as a social affront. As for tartare, I wouldn't eat it either way, the same way how I don't eat raw salmon or other raw meat like that - while there are people over here that do enjoy that sort of thing, it's a matter of taste or perhaps an acquired taste.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radura seems to have such a friendly icon, but would freak people up there too. Majority of people are still wary of microwaves, almost a century after it's invention...

As for raw food - can't acquire taste without trying! Raw salmon per se isn't impressive - so many people get it wrong and are not using the fatty salmon belly. I haven't tried tartare yet myself.

> Majority of people are still wary of microwaves, almost a century after it's invention...

I wouldn't be weary of microwaves per se, but rather their effectiveness in making food safer to eat.

Even if we think just about it heating the food up enough to be safe, I've found that it doesn't heat up evenly, especially in the center of a rotating microwave. I guess that's what you get with standing waves, but it makes me a bit concerned.

I did try looking up more information, but found nothing conclusive, sadly.

To heat up evenly - make a hole in the center of your food

But purpose of microwave heating it is not for sanitisation, it’s for taste

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