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Campuses like universities could use iot networks in low frequencies which will be much more reliable than Wi-Fi because of range problems.

With lower frequencies comes much lower bandwidth. 5G networks can transmit at much higher power than WiFi, so that's where you get your range at higher frequencie - however that requires licensed spectrum which makes all this a bit harder.

Use the networks for what?

Maybe I've just been out of school for too long, but I can't think of anything particularly interesting a campus would want an IoT network for beyond maybe motion sensing for automatic light turn-offs and run-of-the-mill security systems.

I can't imagine a low-frequency IoT network being good for broadband access for people walking around (a la wifi) because of bandwidth limitations.

"campus" can mean lots of things... your handle is "vineyardmike" - what about irrigation / water / temperature / other sensors spread over a vineyard?

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