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MathML is faster to render. KaTex is a lot faster than MathJax but the difference remains noticeable. (Firefox extension to force native MathML rendering: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/native-mathml...)

Igalia is doing amazing work shipping native MathML support for Chromium based browsers.


You can pre-build katex, or render server side.

That's better, but it generates a lot of markup, causing the sites to be very heavy (several megabytes). I know this because I'm using pre-rendered KaTeX to write my school notes, see for example: https://kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~blazead5/school/difr/ Notice that the page takes a while to load, even though it's mostly text.

It loaded in about 3s for me, on Android.

Well, it depends on your connection speed and whether your browser supports gzip compression (which hopefully most browsers should at this point).

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