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Related and noteworthy is the 1999 quote from Scott McNealy (CEO of Sun Microsystems): "You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."

Had a doctor say a version of this when we turned down genetic testing of our newborn. I was like "That isn't the argument you want to make with me." haha.

You see, in our state, it is law to take the blood of the newborn to test for disease. Sounds sorta okay until you learn that the state has been selling the genetic data of your offspring without your consent.

It's a quiet issue that is happening in a few states currently: https://newjerseymonitor.com/2022/09/19/parents-score-victor...

Humans are not cattle.

This is so depressing to learn.

I was completely blown away by it because they didn't even do informed consent on the public health sites. It's a totally rampant violation of your child's 4th amendment rights – on the day they are born.

We also tried to decline genetic testing and blood sample storage, but after much back and forth we were told that if we did not submit our child to testing we would be reported to CPS for child neglect.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

The term "CPS" narrows down what state you're in.

Be sure to retain an attorney, and meet with CPS up front (ideally before the child is born, but as soon as reasonably possible).

CPS will most likely not enforce on child neglect if the sense is that you are both (1) respectful (2) lawyered up (3) proactive. It is because they are very unlikely to prevail in court in these situations.

What state is this? Call your IG, State Attorney, and the press.


Please don't take HN threads into flamewar, regardless of how nice someone isn't or you feel they aren't. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.


Sorry, this quote made me lose my cool for a moment. I admit that it wasn't a constructive comment.

It happens to all of us.

That quote was made by a very important (at the time) person in the tech industry, about 16 years before Trump had even announced his run for presidency.

His present-time support for Trump doesn't have much to tell me about the events that happened close to two decades prior, in an entirely different context.

P.S. Among many others, one of the reasons I was excited about Trump's presidency ending was the hope that I won't have to be digging through "orangemanbad" quips in conversations about entirely unrelated topics anymore. Oh boy how unreasonably optimistic I was about it.

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