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> I wonder what makes Sidekiq special?

Time, know-how, and long term dedication are the key ingredients from my perspective. Maybe he's working 10-20 hours now, but there's support and development every day for the past 11 years.

> I don't imagine any equivalent product (background job processing) in the other languages is raking in that much, if making any revenue in the first place.

I guarantee, there are background job processors in other languages making revenue.

> I guarantee, there are background job processors in other languages making revenue.

I had no idea until someone just hinted me that this was self-referential... LOL, apologies for the now-embarrassing other comment I made LOL (I only know you as "sorentwo", whoops!)

https://getoban.pro/ would like to have a word... It's apparently making good money

Funny enough, you replied to the creator of Oban.

Someone alerted this to me afterwards. Unfortunately I only recognize him by a different username LOL

He was so understated that I missed it lol

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