Something does not add up for me here. If you say that Australia is a continent, but Oceania a region.. then how is New Zealand classified?
Shouldnt it count as a continent too? (What is probably wrong)
I think all those things are quite cultural: after all Europe and Asia are connected, arguably with Africa too. Same for both Americas which could be counted as one big thing. On a side note does: Panama canal work as a real divide between both Ameican continents? Similar question for Suez Canal
> Something does not add up for me here. If you say that Australia is a continent, but Oceania a region.. then how is New Zealand classified? Shouldnt it count as a continent too?
Why would it have to? Oceania is a region that consists of one continent and a bunch of islands, done, problem solved. There's nothing that says "a region" can only consist of continents or islands, is there?
I think all those things are quite cultural: after all Europe and Asia are connected, arguably with Africa too. Same for both Americas which could be counted as one big thing. On a side note does: Panama canal work as a real divide between both Ameican continents? Similar question for Suez Canal