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I think that’s thinking too much into it. He could have spent 1/10th of that and got those things in return.

These billionaires want fame and to be the focus of discussions like this one. They know people will be in awe over such a huge sum of money. That’s what $300M buys you and is so much more interesting than buying a product: attention and fame.

I'm fairly certain he already guaranteed that with his $150mm previous donation in 2014, which at the time was the largest gift in Harvard College's history. Note that in that case, $125mm was earmarked specifically for financial aid.

Football clubs in Europe are similar. Billionaires are buying adoration.

That's also one of the riskiest ways to try to buy the love of the masses.

Countless rich guys have become persona non grata in the communities where they bought and mishandled the local club.

There's a few Chelsea or Leicester type stories where the buyer really is loved, a few where fans grudgingly accept they've done well but they'd rather not talk about where the (oil) money came from, and then quite a few where the new owners are reviled.

1/100th probably.

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