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If you're doing software development, then https://www.phind.com/ with the expert checkbox uses GPT-4 and is better than the GPT-4 subscription, and is free. I just learned about this on Hacker News yesterday: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34884338

I just did a little test involving a question about the Link component in Nextjs, and phind is aware of the major API change nextjs recently made to that component, whereas of course chatgpt/gpt-4 isn't, due to the training data cutoff.

Did one single test with phind.com.

It literally just copy-pasted me code from the top result blog it found on the sidebar - and it didn't solve my question in the least.

GPT-4 on the other hand was correct on the first try.

The question was about controlling Home Assistant remotely with Python. Phind's solution included RedisMQ just because the blogger had set up one as their home automation main bus. [0]

GPT-4 just gave me the code how to use the official homeassistant python package to control entities.

The correct code is literally 3 lines:

    from homeassistant.remote import API
    api = API('http://localhost:8123', '<api_token>')
    api.services('light', 'turn_on', {'entity_id': 'light.kitchen'})

[0] https://www.phind.com/search?q=how+can+I+control+lights+on+h...

Thanks for the heads up, will definitely play with this.

seems to be down :( i didn’t get an answer, but i see they cite their sources for a response to high is very cool.

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