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The Wired article was more banal than the concept of overnight oats it includes. And there newsletter ad breaks!

I feel dirty having clicked the link, some how it's worse than the "that paragraph you just read was written by AI!" trope.

For those who didn't click it's just 3 awful samples that no one would ever use ChatGPT for and a note that the current unguaranteed access for plus subscribers is 25 queries/3 hours.

I'm not being hyperbolic GPT-4 would produce a better article although the limiting factor is a lack of creative premise for the article. And that'd be needed either way it reassures me to think that AI won't (yet) replace good writers. Just the lazy ones.

Now, that is a beautiful tl;dr.

Also, in first sentence, we can have a glimpse of writer's life: "When I logged into OpenAI’s website on Monday morning to continue testing...". I wonder if it rained.

I dislike this (very popular) way of writing, didn't make it past the first sentence.

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