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Speed running web games with Python (youtu.be)
50 points by googletron on Feb 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

tl;dr - Python bot plays online game via point and click. Source code here: https://github.com/Audionautics/Burrito-Bot/blob/master/Burr...

Not gonna win any awards for code style, but projects like this are the kind of things that make me glad I know at least one language really well.

The source is just a few hundred lines of extremely readable code that accomplishes something pretty remarkable.

New to Python, so the user says on Reddit.

Reminds me of Sikuli: http://sikuli.csail.mit.edu/ If you check out their blog, they have a script which plays Angry Birds.

I've done similar things myself, with boring online/Facebook games. If you can script it, it's not a very interesting game.

edit: Here's my take on the ethics of bots: http://blog.oarsum.com/post/255516489/cheating-and-game-desi...

I agree; Chess has so little to make it interesting. :P

Heh. I guess chess has been scripted, but it took long enough that I'd probably consider it to still be an interesting game.

Man, when I tried to do this with Tower Defense a few years ago I had the devil of a time reading the screen. I did end up managing to do everything but good OCR on the digit status displays, though - then lost interest.

I'll bet everything would work better now...

I would define this as a tool assisted speed run (TAS). Check out TASVideos.org if you are interested in reading more. The site is dedicated to TASing console games in emulators using various programming languages.

Many times i've wanted to finish a game which requires a succession of boring and repetitive commands to complete. Automating it like i do any other development task seems like the perfect solution!

Is there a script for Cow Clicker yet?

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