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Okay, but buttons are intended to do something, not for navigation. If someone is using a button to send you somewhere, they are doing it wrong. That's what anchor tags are for. Basically, buttons imply an action where as anchor tags imply navigation. If you are running into people using buttons as navigation, it's not the buttons fault!

By "navigating" I don't mean just moving from page to page but rather interacting with the particular page. So even if your button only does something on the current page, I would like it to be a link so that I don't have to click on it.

> if your button only does something on the current page

That doesn't make any sense. First, the current page doesn't matter. Secondly, "doing something" doesn't define what "something" is. Finally, your complaint is having to click on the button, implying that you have to click on a button to activate it.

Sorry, your just being very confusing, using words and terminology you don't seem to be familiar with.

Perhaps my wording was not entirely clear--what I meant was, regardless of what the button does, I want to activate it without tabbing or clicking, just using search. This works well with anchor tags, but does not work with buttons.

I meant navigating in the sense of moving the viewport and mouse around a static page rather than moving from page to page.

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