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> This was before filippo was working at Google

As a fan of filippo and and avid hater of evil-Google, I am pleased to point out that....

"Last May I left my job on the Go team at Google"[1]

[1] https://words.filippo.io/full-time-maintainer/

So you are saying while he worked there he didn't do anything about the problem, and now that he's gone he's shit-talking his old employer?

I have no beef with either Filippo or Google or Go. Or you for that matter. But this weaseling needs to stop.

Now feel free to downvote me, you hypocrites.

> So you are saying while he worked there he didn't do anything about the problem, and now that he's gone he's shit-talking his old employer?

Huh ? When did I say that ?

I posted what I did because the OP made it sound like filippo was still working at Google.

I just wanted to point out that as of next month it will have been a year since filippo left.

Beyond that, I was NOT proferring any sort of opinion on what fillipo may or may not have done whilst wearing the Google hat.

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