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> aims to raise as much as $5 billion over the next two years to take on rival OpenAI and enter over a dozen major industries, according to company documents obtained by TechCrunch

A dozen! Why, golly gee, I've got a business plan right here that says I'm going to enter 87 major industries and dominate every one of them.

I've been around tech, reading headlines like this, since roughly 1993 (and others here were of course seeing the same - adjusted for inflation and scale - types of headlines decades before me). This just reads like every other going-to-fail-miserably hilariously-grandiose-ambition we're-going-to-be-the-next-big-shit headline I've read in past decades during manic bubble phases.

Hey, Masayoshi Son has a 100 year plan to dominate the Interwebs, did ya hear? Oh shit, this isn't 1999? Different century, same bullshit headlines. Rinse and repeat. So I guess we're formally knee deep into the latest AI bubble. These types of stories read just like the garbage dotcom rush where companies would proclaim how they were entering a billion verticals and blah blah blah, we're gonna own all of the b2b ecommerce space, blah blah blah.

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